Sweet treats can be 100% natural
When you’re after a sweet treat for your kids that’s good for them too, there aren’t many options. Lollies and chocolate might be yummy, but too much of a good thing isn’t actually very good for them at all.
Fortunately savvy parents can turn to the goodness of Mother Nature for a treat packed with all the sweetness and goodness they need – minus the baddies. We all know how great Manuka honey is for our immunity and overall health; well honey is a great option for kids too.
A natural energy spread filled with good things, honey is a healthy alternative to other sugar-laden spreads. Sure, honey is filled with sugar too, but the difference is that it’s 100% natural. Honey is filled with medicinal properties that boost the immunity of little people (especially Manuka honey).
Comvita honey for kids
Before we go any further, we need to admit one thing. When we set out to write this honey review, we wanted to feature Comvita’s honey for kids. As the world’s leading manufacturer and marketer of Manuka honey, Comvita is committed to producing fresh, pure, safe and authentic honey and bee products from 100% natural New Zealand ingredients. So when it came to a kid-friendly honey product that doesn’t skimp on quality, we couldn’t look past Comvita.
However, we’ve recently discovered some bad news. Comvita is out of stock of their kid’s honey for the immediate future because they haven’t had enough raw honey to continue production for, well, ages. That means you can’t purchase Comvita’s honey for kids from anywhere – and no one can tell us when there’ll be more in stock.
So that got us wondering. If Comvita honey isn’t available for kids, what’s the next best option? For us it was a no-brainer – Airborne honey for kids.
Airborne honey for kids
Airborne honey for kids is a blend of honey specifically selected to appeal to the taste of children. 100% New Zealand natural honey, Airborne’s honey for kids has a deliciously mild flavour that kids want more and more of.
All the goodies
Airborne honey for kids is filled with all the goodness that comes with bee pollen, and their honey is 100% honest, traceable and undamaged from production.
Airborne’s honey for kids is a light golden product that’s easy to pour from the bottle. Aside from the natural goodness that’s packed into this spread, what’s great about this honey is the special cut-off valve inside the cap that prevents wastage and yucky sticky messes forming around the lid. Even if your kids like to play with bottles, Airborne honey will only come out of the bottle when it’s squeezed – even if it’s held upside down.
Goodies become good
Airborne honey for kids isn’t just a great option for kids; its purchase also pays it forward to other kids. 10 cents from every bottle sold goes straight to Cholmondeley Children’s Home, which provides quality short-term residential care for children in need, including support for their families.
At $9.99 per 500g, Airborne honey for kids is slightly expensive for a product that doesn’t overflow in medicinal benefits that boost your kids’ immunity, like Manuka honey. On the flipside though, it’s definitely a product that’s safe and tastes great, which means your kids will love it.