A Natural Skin Healer
Manuka Honey is unique to New Zealand, it’s totally natural and comes with many benefits. Not only is it yummy to eat but it is also has wonderful properties for healthy skin. Manuka Honey is a skin healer, so much so that is used in hospitals to dress wounds. If you have irritated, blemished or inflamed skin active Manuka Honey can help soothe and repair it.
The primary components of Manuka Honey are glucose, fructose and a range of amino acids and vitamins. Most unique of all, Manuka Honey has been found to be the only honey that has a significant level of non-peroxide activity. This is due to the high levels methylglyoxal (MG) known for its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. These components create the amazing properties that can help keep skin healthy.
I was unsure whether honey would make a difference to my skin but I decided to give it a go at home by doing a hand mask for a week. From time to time, I suffer from dry and cracked skin on my hands so if there is something I could do to quickly repair the skin I’m interested. Every evening I applied a thin layer of Manuka Honey UMF 15+ to my hands and left them for 15 minute before washing it off with warm water. On the first application my hands were noticeably softer and more vibrant. I did feel that I needed to apply something overnight to lock in the good work the honey had done so I applied a Manuka Honey Hand Cream by Apicare. The results in the morning were great and I had lost the uncomfortable tight and dry feeling I get when my hands are in poor shape. After a week of doing this my hands are totally healed and really soft and comfortable. I don’t need to keep doing this every night, it seems to have worked as a one off treatment but I will be continuing on with the Apicare Hand Cream which is divine and really effective.
What skin concerns is it suitable for?
One of Manuka Honey’s great uses is as a wound healer so it is helpful to acne skin. Manuka Honey clears away dead skin cells and helps keep pores clear. It is better than using a scrub which can agitate the skin further. Honey’s antibacterial properties create a healing environment on the skin to prevent and repair acne skin and its anti-inflammatory properties can also help with reducing the appearance of acne or blemished skin.
Manuka Honey is hygroscopic, like glycerin, which means it can absorb moisture from the air towards the skins surface to help soften it and keep it supple. Besides skin repairing and exfoliation, the amino acids and vitamin content of honey contributes to its anti-ageing properties. Manuka Honey also contains antioxidants which are essential in fighting free radicals and maintaining youthful skin.
Manuka Honey is used as an antiseptic because of its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Manuka honey has been used in burns’ patients and resistant bacterial infections. It can help prevent infections and treat cuts at home making it an essential item for your natural first aid box. It is the non-peroxide activity that provides these antiseptic properties. The action of MG is not affected by the presence of the catalase enzyme which is present in blood and other body tissue. Hydrogen peroxide which is found in many types of honey and also delivers antibactieral properties is affected and broken down by this enzyme making it ineffective at healing wounds. This is what makes Manuka Honey unique and it is also important to know when choosing a genuine Manuka Honey.
How should you use it?
This is a really simply treatment that you can do at home. It’s DIY Manuka Honey Facial Healing Mask. Manuka Honey is a natural exfoliator and healer so your skin will be left feeling soft and smooth.
- Start by cleansing the skin
- Moisten the skin with a toner or rose water. Remember that Manuka Honey is hygroscopic so this extra moisture will help to soften your skin
- Then apply a teaspoon of honey to your face and spread it
- Leave for 20 minutes and wash off
Here are some other great tips for utilising Manuka Honey in your skincare regime nd more recipes can be found in this article on Homemade Beauty Products using Manuka Honey;
- If you don’t want to apply it to your entire face Manuka Honey is a great spot treatment so just apply it to the specific areas of concern. This could be anywhere on your body such as rough elbows or acne on your back.
- Another tip is to add a teaspoon full of honey to your usual face mask to give it a powerful boost
- Add a pinch of cinnamon to your Manuka Honey mask as this will have the added benefit of energising the skin further